Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
546.80 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
default connection
tenant connection
Time▼ | Count | Info |
86.65 ms (15.85%) |
1 |
SELECT t0_.llave AS llave_0, GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT('locale', l1_.locale, 'valor', t2_.valor)) AS sclr_1 FROM texto t0_ LEFT JOIN texto_translation t2_ ON t0_.id = t2_.objeto_id LEFT JOIN locale l1_ ON t2_.locale_id = l1_.id GROUP BY t0_.id ORDER BY t0_.id DESC
[] |
59.56 ms (10.89%) |
3 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.locale AS locale_2, t0.habilitado AS habilitado_3 FROM locale t0 WHERE t0.habilitado = ?
53.41 ms (9.77%) |
1 |
SELECT i0_.llave AS llave_0, g1_.llave AS llave_1, i0_.path AS path_2, i0_.link AS link_3, i0_.image AS image_4, i0_.image_en AS image_en_5, GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT('locale', l2_.locale, 'valor', i3_.titulo, 'resumen', i3_.resumen)) AS sclr_6 FROM imagen i0_ LEFT JOIN imagen_translation i3_ ON (i0_.id = i3_.objeto_id) LEFT JOIN galeria g1_ ON (i0_.galeria_id = g1_.id) LEFT JOIN locale l2_ ON i3_.locale_id = l2_.id WHERE i0_.visible = 1 GROUP BY i0_.id ORDER BY i0_.orden ASC
[] |
45.02 ms (8.23%) |
1 |
SELECT t0_.llave AS llave_0, GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT('locale', l1_.locale, 'valor', t2_.valor)) AS sclr_1 FROM texto_big t0_ LEFT JOIN texto_big_translation t2_ ON t0_.id = t2_.objeto_id LEFT JOIN locale l1_ ON t2_.locale_id = l1_.id GROUP BY t0_.id ORDER BY t0_.id DESC
[] |
41.64 ms (7.62%) |
2 |
SELECT i0_.llave AS llave_0, g1_.llave AS llave_1, i0_.path AS path_2, i0_.link AS link_3, i0_.image AS image_4, i0_.image_en AS image_en_5, i0_.image_mobile AS image_mobile_6, i0_.image_mobile_en AS image_mobile_en_7, GROUP_CONCAT(JSON_OBJECT('locale', l2_.locale, 'valor', i3_.titulo, 'resumen', i3_.resumen)) AS sclr_8 FROM imagen i0_ INNER JOIN galeria g1_ ON (i0_.galeria_id = g1_.id) LEFT JOIN imagen_translation i3_ ON (i0_.id = i3_.objeto_id) LEFT JOIN locale l2_ ON i3_.locale_id = l2_.id WHERE i0_.visible = 1 AND g1_.llave = ? GROUP BY i0_.id ORDER BY i0_.orden ASC
40.20 ms (7.35%) |
2 |
SELECT s0_.id AS id_0, s0_.url AS url_1, i1_.image AS image_2, s2_.titulo AS titulo_3, s2_.keywords AS keywords_4, s2_.descripcion AS descripcion_5 FROM seo s0_ LEFT JOIN seo_translation s2_ ON s0_.id = s2_.objeto_id LEFT JOIN locale l3_ ON s2_.locale_id = l3_.id LEFT JOIN imagen i1_ ON s0_.imagen_id = i1_.id WHERE s0_.url = ? AND l3_.locale = ?
[ "regla/rifas" "en" ] |
39.88 ms (7.29%) |
2 |
SELECT s0_.valor AS valor_0, s0_.llave AS llave_1 FROM setting s0_ ORDER BY s0_.id ASC
[] |
21.68 ms (3.96%) |
1 |
SELECT a0_.llave AS llave_0, a0_.nombre AS nombre_1, a1_.archivo AS archivo_2 FROM archivo a1_ INNER JOIN archivo_publico a0_ ON a1_.archivo_publico_id = a0_.id
[] |
19.78 ms (3.62%) |
1 |
SELECT v0_.id AS id_0, v0_.version AS version_1, v0_.created_at AS created_at_2, v0_.updated_at AS updated_at_3 FROM version_aplicacion v0_ ORDER BY v0_.id DESC LIMIT 1
[] |
19.72 ms (3.61%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.iso AS iso_2, t0.conversion_rate_to_usd AS conversion_rate_to_usd_3, t0.symbol AS symbol_4 FROM currency t0
[] |
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
tenant | doctrine.dbal.tenant_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
tenant | doctrine.orm.tenant_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
default entity manager
Class | Mapping errors |
MultiTenancyBundle\Entity\Hostname | No errors. |
MultiTenancyBundle\Entity\Tenant | No errors. |
tenant entity manager
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\General\Setting | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Seo | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\SeoTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Locale | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Imagen | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Texto | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\TextoTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\ImagenTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Galeria | No errors. |
App\Entity\Usuario\TipoDocumentoTraslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\TextoBig | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\TextoBigTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Archivo | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\ArchivoPublico | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\VersionAplicacion | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\VersionAplicacionTranslation | No errors. |
App\Entity\General\Currency | No errors. |